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Writer's pictureFaith Linden



We are living in extraordinary times.

On one hand, it seems as if the entire world is at some level of quarantine due to the coronavirus (COVID-19).

On the other, the state of technological advances allows us to connect instantly with people around the world (albeit virtually).

Faith Church is working diligently to ensure that access to preaching and teaching continues as smoothly as possible (click here for details).


Just a short time ago, we gathered for Sunday morning worship gatherings, Wednesday evening Bible studies, prayer meetings, small groups, etc. Now, we've been forced to suspend our collective times together. This impacts all of us and we genuinely miss it. Yet, many of us still enjoy regular Biblical fellowship via video and web posts and communication tools.

But...what happens for those who do not have access to the necessary technology...

There are members within our church who do not have the ability to connect via technology. Most certainly, you know others faced with the same predicament. While most can receive phone calls for conversation, updates, and encouragement (let's all be sure to do our part in reaching out), their access to Biblical preaching and teaching has ceased.


Faith Church is asking YOU to partner with us to ensure that no one is left behind in their most critical need for Biblical preaching and teaching.

We are generating DVDs for our regularly scheduled Sunday morning and Wednesday evening content. While so many are being reached with this content via technological platforms, this offers a more accessible method for those without that same access.

How can you help?

- Identify those in your life without access to required technology or lack of knowledge or even anxiety in using it

- Contact them and offer to help them obtain DVDs

- Provide the church with appropriate details


Jesus said: "So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other. Your love for one another will prove to the world that you are my disciples.” John 13:34-35

Let us REMAIN FAITHFUL in our love and care for each other and the world.

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